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Browning Environmental, LLC strives to be an industry leader known for reliability and responsiveness to our client's needs. Our commitment to provide timely, proficient and economical solutions for our clients is the foundation of our success.

records search with risk assessment (RSRA) 

The RSRA is a limited environmental due diligence tool intended to evaluate the likelihood of contamination based on a "high risk", "moderate risk" or "low risk" category. The RSRA assessment involves:

  • Environmental database search of federal, state, and local regulatory agencies
  • Limited historical records review of the property and adjoining properties
  • Desktop review and report preparation by an Environmental Professional
  • Compliant with the most current United States Small Business Administration's (SBA's) SOP 50-10

environmental transaction screens (ETS)

The ETS consists of a limited scope of work and is designed to assess the environmental conditions of low risk commercial properties. The report issued will document potential environmental conditions on the property or adjoining property. The Transaction Screen is compliant with the most current ASTM E1528 standard and includes the following activities:

  • Site Inspection
  • Owner/occupant interview and questionnaire
  • Limited historical search
  • Regulatory database review
  • Preparation of a report documenting the findings, conclusions and recommendations
  • Compliant with the most current United States Small Business Administration's (SBA's) SOP 50-10

Browning Environmental, LLC ©


Phase I environmental site assessments (ESA)

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) from Browning Environmental, LLC meet the most current ASTM Standard for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and involves the following activities:

  • Site Inspection
  • Adjacent/surrounding reconnaissance
  • A review of historical documentation (fire insurance maps, topographical maps, city directories and aerial photographs)
  • A review of hazardous materials and petroleum product storage, spill and disposal records
  • Local, regional and state file reviews
  • Regulatory environmental database review
  • Interviews with the property owner, tenants, and property managers
  • A preparation of a report documenting the findings, conclusions and recommendations
  • Non-scope considerations such as asbestos, lead, mold, radon, lead in drinking water, floodplain and wetland evaluations upon request
  • Compliant with the most current United States Small Business Administration's (SBA's) SOP 50-10